How to Submit a Near Miss Report
We are collecting information about near misses and accidents that involve avalanche workers at work. You can submit a report on any near miss or accident. It doesn’t have to involve an avalanche, but it should be something that happened while you were working. Fill out this form and include as much detail as you’d like. Try to answer as many questions as you can.
You can SAVE the report whenever you like. Your report will not be publicly available at this point. When you hit SAVE, you will see a link that will allow you to come back and finish the report within a week. If you provide an email address, the link will be emailed to that address.
If you want to save or print a complete version of your report – including names, place names, or other identifying information – for internal operational use, click the PDF button before submitting the report. This will generate a PDF file for you to save or print. You must SAVE your report at least once before the PDF can be generated.
Once you SUBMIT your report, it will be reviewed by a moderator. They may contact you to get a few more details or to clarify something in your report. They may add comments to your report to highlight aspects of the near miss. The moderator will remove any information that identifies an individual, operation, or specific location. Once the review and editing process is complete, they will submit your report to the database. Contact information is automatically deleted from the report when the moderator submits it to the database.The database will store the moderator’s edited version of the report. No personal contact or other identifying information will be stored.
You can read reviewed reports in the VIEW REPORTS section of the website. The report database is searchable, so you can view events that interest you based on date, industry, snow climate, keywords, etc. Completed reports are available to everyone, including researchers and other groups that aim to improve workplace safety.